Kanban Training

Professionalising the world of Agile Coaching

Kanban Training


2 Days

£960.00 excl. VAT

The Kanban Maturity Model (KMM) is a playbook for developing business agility. It describes seven levels of organisational maturity in terms of culture, practices, and business outcomes. In this class, we will focus on Maturity Levels 0-3.

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KMP 2 - Kanban System Improvements (KSI)

2 Days Online

£900.00 excl. VAT

Once you have started to implement Kanban within your team, we now have to think about how we scale this across your teams and organisation. This will enable you to build an adaptive capability that enables you to respond effectively to changes in customer demand and the business environment.

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KMP 1 - Kanban System Design (KSD)

3 x 6hrs

£900.00 excl. VAT

In the fast-moving and complex times, organisations are looking for every advantage they can find to increase their competitive edge. Kanban is a set of values, practices and principles that bring the benefits of Lean theory to organisations.

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